Friday was an emotional day. We all got up at 4:30 to go to the airport and say our goodbyes.
I had written a letter for each student. I went to hand my letter to one of the students and he looked up at me with the saddest face I'd ever seen and burst into tears. It broke my heart. Before we boarded the bus, several of the students presented me and the other two PA's with gifts. I received a fan, a beautiful Japanese teacup, some macha green tea, a hairbow, a card, and a Japanese magazine. The gift I loved the most was a red folder that was signed by each of the students on the inside.
All 3 of us got one, but mine was particularly special because it was written in English. The Japanese PA and the American PA both speak Japanese, so the students were able to write theirs fairly easily. I was told that some of the students spent nearly an hour perfecting their message to me. It's something I'll never forget. I will proudly display it in my living room.
The students were on several different flights, so there were tears at every terminal. Saying goodbye certainly wasn't easy. After two months of living with the students and being with them everyday I made some very good friendships. It's something I will always be grateful for and never forget. This job was tiring, stressful, long, and involved, but it was completely worth it.
Luckily it's easy to stay in touch with Facebook and Skype. Now it's time for another year of school and new kinds of adventures.
For now, here are some pictures!
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