Tuesday, September 6, 2011


It's finally starting to feel like fall!  Best. Season. Ever.  I love everything about it...the leaves changing color, the crisp, cool air, pumpkin flavored things, hot apple cider, hayrack rides, pumpkin patches, coats, Halloween...aaahhh.  Most people I ask say that summer is their season of choice..I just don't understand why.  I hate summer. 

I'm looking forward to breaking out the sweaters and actually going outside.  It's been over 100 degrees (Fahrenheit) here on a consistent basis until this week, which is not conducive to spending a lot of time outdoors.  I'm hoping this fall will be a good one.  I didn't really take advantage of the atmosphere last year.  I think a lot of it was because we had just moved here and I still hadn't quite settled.

I hope it doesn't pass by too quickly.  It's already been a month since the summer program ended and it doesn't feel like it at all.  Time has been flying.  I've kept myself busy with school and work.  One thing I have enjoyed that I never really enjoyed before is cooking.  It's one of those things I've never had the patience for.  I have a tendency to burn things because I can't bring myself to stare at something on a stove.  I  usually get distracted and start doing other things.  According to Dakota, "the smoke alarm is my timer."  But I've been actually doing a decent job lately.  I even made up my own recipe for empanadas and they turned out really well! 

I've also been working on my sewing.  I came up with these little ballerinas recently.  I think they're my favorite thing I've made so far. 

I hope I can travel somewhere soon.  I've been feeling restless lately.

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